Think Before You Judge.
"Before you judge others, judge yourself' - Imam Ali
Just think before you judge that girl you see on social media, think before you judge that girl who’s sat in that coffee shop on her own, or that girl who’s always out, just take a second and think, before you judge that boy sat quietly in a corner, or that boy who’s always with his mates.
Just think… do you know him? Do you actually know her? DO
you know what goes on in their lives? On a daily basis? DO you know what
struggles they might be going through? Or what traumas they might have been through?
Do you know about their past? Do you know anything at all? Oh, so you know what
Sarah told you, or what Hassan told Laura, and then Laura told you, so it must
definitely be the truth right? Because Sarah is close to the person, but is
Sarah really a friend if she’s telling you things about her or him?
Have you ever thought that MAYBE just maybe, there’s a lot
more behind a person? Or the things they’re doing? Their actions? Their
activities? Do you know what they might be occupying themselves from? Distracting
their minds from? NO you know nothing! Because you’re clearly not close to
them, they’re not your best friend, they’re not someone who you speak to or see
on a daily basis.
FRIENDS don’t judge. FRIENDS don’t talk about you to other
people. So you’re not a FRIEND. If you’re not a friend of who you’re judging
then you should maybe just take that time, to focus on yourselves. And stop
pointing your fingers on the person you’re judging. Because a real friend
stands by you, supports you and speaks to you. Not to the world about you.
Bare that in mind always.
Author of this blog; @beacaanx
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