Health: Back Pain
I'm just laying here wrapped up in my blanket, watching the beautiful snow fall, it looks so beautiful until you step out and have to get to places.. All mushy, cold and wet!! Looks like I'm going nowhere for a while though....... I'm also cuddling my cushion (I can't wait for my teddy to arrive), it's just so relieving isn't it, cuddling? The comfort you get, it's the same comfort when you're holding a pet/person (pls excuse my weirdness) OK, I can blame this back pain for the weirdness, it's alright, not like I'm a little weird anyway. Ha. (:
SO I've been in major pain since Thursday, I think I've crushed my back whilst driving. I had a similar incident around 6 years ago when I was working in retail and I was at a point where I couldn't really move or walk, the pain was all nerve related making it impossible to lift my foot. So here I am once again laying in pain. Thinking I should have been more grateful for the good health I had for some time. We often forget to be thankful for the good health we have until something comes up.
I've literally been dragging myself around in pain - trying to walk and going to the toilet is hell right now! Even sitting up is a nightmare, and did I forget to mention lying down too? :( I'm sad. Very sad.
But what makes me happy is having the ones who really love and care around me. My parents and my friends. I love you guys so much. For always being there, even if it's just the time you take out to spend with me, giving me your company, it all means a lot. I <3 You.
Always remember spending time with someone who's going through a lot, health wise, or even generally in life, it's always so heart warming and makes the person suffering feel so much at ease when they have people who love and care about them around them. Go on drop someone who might need you a text, call them up or go and visit them! Watch how much they'll appreciate your thoughts.
I hope you continue to have a wonderful Sunday. And I will be back with another post soon! Thanks for tuning into my blog. xx
I hope you continue to have a wonderful Sunday. And I will be back with another post soon! Thanks for tuning into my blog. xx
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