Learn to love yourself.
"Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the
barriers within yourself that you have built up against it." – Rumi
We are our own worst critics. Naturally we look for flaws within ourselves.
We need to stop doing that and just think for a second. Just think about how amazing you really are. How beautiful you are. You're beautiful enough, you are good enough, your soul and personality.. you're amazing. No one in this world can put you down, you should only let yourself grow and only get better.
Does perfection exist? People may look perfect but they may not be. Some make perfect happen, others are naturally perfect, but does perfection exist?
I'll give you an example..
We see models and celebrities almost every day. With their perfect bodies and perfect face. 'Perfect' is the first word which comes to mind. They're either naturally perfect, worked super hard for it or made a lot of changes to appear perfect.
Many young people fall into depression and lose confidence while wanting to appear perfect like the celebrities/models they've seen. I think that we should be happy with the way we are naturally. Your face is beautiful, your body is beautiful. The person you are is beautiful. The media is making the world go crazy. Promoting botox, lip fillers etc.. Looking perfect is going on a whole new level.
Lets get personal! Now I'm saying this because I have struggled to love myself. I'm not perfect, I usually feel down with the way I look, my body, my height.. but hey it's not the end of the world. I can do something about it. I wont be as tall as the models that walk down the ramp or those we see in magazines but neither will I have the clearest of skin. What I can do is change myself. I won't go all crazy and get a nose job.. Or liposuction! Instead changes to my lifestyle, eating healthily, working out regularly. Making these small changes in life can bring big differences to not only your appearance but you will become a happier you.
And that is exactly what I did. I changed my lifestyle and became a happier me!
Adding workouts to your busy self really can make a difference, letting your heart beat to let that sweat out can power you up for the rest of your day, flushing out all the badness. Feel less bloated by eating clean! It has started to make me feel really good about myself. Why don't you do it too?
I've also started to think differently like, why should I sit and feel down about myself not looking perfect? Get up and do something about it. I was born this way, this is who I am and this is how I will always be. I can only do so much and those small things can make myself feel better.
Another thing that I feel which helped me to love myself is religion. Reading and exploring religions and finding peace through a religion is natural way of feeling good, finding inner peace. Spirituality, meditation, praying. Everything to do with religion in my opinion is beautiful and if you find the religion which is perfect for you, you will begin to feel content and happy with life and yourself.
Make-Up - it makes me feel amazing. Whether it's buying new products or applying it, it will always always always make you feel better. It definitely makes me feel good! Make-up is amazing, it just adds an instant boost of confidence in you. Even if it's just a tiny bit, the less you use the better it is. Even if it's just mascara or a little bit of eyeliner, or even some tinted moistursier.. I don't mean cake your face up with make-up and walk out looking like a little clown nono!! ", Just a little something will brighten you up! And also you won't need that nose job if you can contour ;)
No one is perfect. No one can ever be perfect. Everyone is fighting their own battle. Everyone is trying to get better at something, there is no end to learning and growing. Therefore we must continue this battle. So here I thought I'd share a little part of me, it's not everything.. I could go on forever but I will end it here with just a little something.
Surround yourself with happy, positive people. Remain happy always. Love others and let others love you. Don't let anyone bring you down because you are stronger than ever before because you
learnt to love yourself.
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