relationships relationships relationships

This post is about relationships, this can be a relationship for any couple, whether you are married, engaged, boyfriend/girlfriend. Also any pictures in this post are not taken by me. I respect everyone's opinions but this is from my point of view only.

"Anyone can love a thing because that's as easy as putting a penny in your pocket. But to love something despite, to know the flaws and love them too. 
That is rare and pure and perfect."

When someone wants to be with you, they will do absolutely anything to remain next to you, they will never leave you regardless of your looks, weight or sense of humour, they will love you for who you are and love you only.


Tell each other everything, absolutely everything. 

It's the only way you will understand why your partner is feeling the way they are, the only way to stop any problems arising.  

Hiding things is never a good idea, it will eventually come out and will cause a huge explosion, so do remember to let it out as soon as your eyes or ears let it in.

It's always best to discuss things, get each others opinions, include each other in your life. 

If you think telling would ruin your relationship, then you've definitely done something wrong! Naughty..!

Tell them how you feel, what you want to do, where you want to go, what you like, what you don't like, anything you don't like that they are doing, anyone who you like/do not like, anything you want them to stop doing as it will cause problems, anything you want them to do which they are not doing, tell them if you're happy, tell them when you're down, tell them you love them, tell them when you need them, tell them when you're hurt.

Just say it, say it how it is, say it how you feel, just say it.

Become best friends.

It is so so so important to keep that friendship alive, always. Having fun, sharing your secrets, put that romance aside and bring the friendship alive!! Stop being so boring. 

You see, when you are in a relationship, some people begin to take it way too seriously. Just don't do it. Tell each other everything, laugh together, do things you both enjoy doing. Do everything together, eat together, shop together, take pictures together, make videos, play games, cook together etc etc! If one doesn't like what the other does, you're going to have to compromise.

".. a woman can not change a man because she loves him, a man changes himself because he loves her.. and a man can not change a woman because he loves her, a woman changes herself because she loves him.." 

Yes COMPROMISE. This is where many relationships fail, fall, break. Simply because they can not compromise, having no tolerance, taking no part in sacrificing, or giving up things for one another.. Why? Why do some people find it extremely difficult and become weak, yet others eventually just let go, do not care and remain strong?

I'll tell you why, because those people, who give up, sacrifice and compromise although it's difficult for them, they are the people who WANT the relationship to last, to work, those are the people who will live a happier life.. regardless of letting go of the things they compromised with.

Just talk things through, you will have disagreements, but you will find a solution, one has to compromise, or go half way? Don't just throw away the beautiful relationship you have, make something of it.

 'sometimes you have to lose to win, let go of something, to then gain' 

Surprises. Gifts. Treats. 

It is always always always so lovely doing something different. Something extraordinary, something you haven't done before.

Many people put all of their energy into a relationship at the very beginning and become lazy as it goes on, keeping the energy levels constant in a relationship is vital to keep it alive. Can you do it?

Make your someone feel special, express your feelings by doing something, you don't have to spend hundreds and hundreds of pounds to make someone feel special, just something small and thoughtful will have the same effect I can assure you. Here are some ideas;

prepare their favourite meal  
bake a cake
pick out some flowers from the garden for them
bring a rose home
write a poem, letter, card for no reason at all but to remind your partner of your love
plan a surprise trip somewhere outside of the city
buy a thoughtful gift  
surprise them with something they've wanted
draw/paint/make something for them

Don't over do it though! Once in a while is perfect. 

Prioritise, understand and listen to the one you love.

Prioritising each other is important. Very important.

Spending quality time with each other is one of the most important factors in a successful relationship, if you don't have time for each other then how will you make it last forever?

Being in a relationship is hard work, it is a commitment which you should be prepared to face. Be willing to listen to each others problems, listen to what your partner has to say.. If you're not a good listener.. become one!

Imagine 'understanding' to be the foundation of your relationship, without understanding being solid and secure nothing will last on top. With understanding a relationship grows, a home is built, a family is made, two people become one.  

I understand everyone is different, each and every person has their own expectations, their own requirements, their own point of view. However in a relationship these individual expectations, relationship these individual expectations, requirements and views must adapt with those of our loved ones.
So with some tlc hold on to the special person in your life. Live everyday as if it is your last because who knows, it may just be.  

"It's scary to find someone that makes you happy. You start giving them all of your attention because they're what makes you forget everything bad that's going on in your life. They're the first person you want to talk to, just so you can start and end your day with a smile. It all sounds great to have that someone, but it's scary to know how easily they could just leave and take the happiness away too when they go."

thank you for reading, much love x


  1. love this post, keep up the good work! Xx

  2. Love your posts; always get me thinking :) I enjoy reading them do keep posting regularly. x

    1. Thank you so much for the lovely feedback! :) xx


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