Having a bad day? Read this.
Hello to the lovely person who has opened up this website. I'd like to wish you all the happiness in the world, because you deserve it. You deserve to be happy, you deserve to have all the love in this world. You are beautiful. You have a beautiful soul. You have a beautiful life. Be thankful for all the things you have that another human may not have.
You might not appreciate what you have right now, but you know the bed you're lying in, or that chair you're sat on? You know not everyone has that? We often forget our blessings, the unlimited clean water that runs through our taps, the hot food we get to eat on a daily. The roof we have over our head, the warmth and comfort of our homes. We often forget that even having a family is a blessing, because not everyone has the privilege of having a family.
If you have even a single person, who loves you and cares for you. Who looks out for you, who you may hate because they constantly want the best for you. Just take a step back and appreciate them, because they actually care about you. In some cases these people can be our parents, we don't realise what a blessing they are. Treasure them.
Be thankful, and stop feeling so sad and crap about your day and life. Be positive and happy. Sometimes I forget too, so I'm writing this as a reminder to not just for you, but for myself too.
One day everything will fall into place, and things will get better. I promise you!
One day everything will fall into place, and things will get better. I promise you!
I just want you to know that, no matter what happens, you must stay positive. You must stay strong, you must keep going. Don't stop. Nope. Not even for a single minute. You must not give up. Because you have SO much to look forward to, you still have many people to meet. Many places to go. Many things to learn. Life doesn't stop just because you've had a bad day, week, few months, or even a bad year. Believe me things do get better. :) (kinda hope they do)!
Anyway! I hope that I've shared some positive energy with you. Especially if you're having a bad day! So get up and go make your day incredible! Even if that means picking up a Christmas cracker and posing with it ;D xx
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Can I just tell you that this blog post has made my day. I was feeling like �� over the last 2 weeks and you’ve honestly made me really happy. Thank you. ��